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  • Guidelines for Business

Guidelines for Business

Juniors Coach Club is here to help you impress, improve, and innovate. We do it by giving you a powerful review platform built on openness and collaboration that lets you engage with and collect insights from parents . You can use Juniors Coach Club for free or subscribe to our paid services.

The only thing we ask is that you respect and follow these guidelines (together with our Terms and Conditions to help us all keep Juniors Coach Club a collaborative and trustworthy place for everyone to enjoy. We thank you for trusting in us.

  • Who can and can’t write a review
    Parents who have had a recent, genuine experience with services can write a review about it. But anyone with conflict of interest cannot write a review of your services  — this includes you, your employees and your immediate family members. It also means you and your employees can’t review a competitor. This is to protect the integrity of reviews.
  • Asking for reviews
    If you’re asking for review , your invitation process and language should be fair ,neutral and unbiased . It’s possible to ask reviewers to provide a reference number  when they leave a review, to help identify an experience.
    You shouldn’t provide incentives like discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, referral bonuses and the like when asking for reviews.
    Reviews can’t be collected together with consumers and company or organization or individual freelance coach or volunteer coach premises without our prior permission. And you can’t ask customers to use your equipment (for example, an iPad) to review your services.
  • No fake reviews!
    Don’t write or ask people to write fake reviews. We have zero tolerance for fake reviews and will remove them.
  • Don’t recognize a reviewer?
    We give reviewers the freedom to choose their own username, so you might not always recognize their name as a customer of yours. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t had a genuine, recent experience with your company.
  • Be nice
    We expect you to be a respectful contributor to our platform. So be nice. Don’t post anything harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory or obscene. And don’t lie, bully, blackmail, make threats or do anything illegal.
  • Be Private as much as you can
    We want the privacy and safety of everyone to be respected and protected, so don’t post any sensitive or personal information. We’re talking names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and anything else that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone.
  • Factual disputes
    We won’t remove a review just because you think it’s unfair, you don’t agree with its content or you think the reviewer should have left you higher rating.We don’t get involved in disputes about what actually went down between a reviewer and a Coach or Organization. Juniors Coach Club is a consumer review platform, not a regulatory authority or a court of law.
  • Sensitivity of content
    We’re a platform that sits between consumers/Parents and company or organization or individual freelance coach or volunteer coach, so we have to balance competing responsibilities: We want to let everyone tell their story (good or bad), but we’re also required to take down words and statements that are likely to cause serious harm to someone’s reputation or serious financial loss to a business.
    But remember, just because a review is negative, that doesn’t mean it’s defamatory.
  • Your business account and profile page
    You can use it to send invitations, reply to reviewers and flag reviews that breach our guidelines. The information shown on your business profile page must be correct and not misleading.
  • Reviewers own their reviews
    A review is owned by the person who wrote it. They can edit or delete their reviews at any time, and can write more than one review  if they’ve had more than one experience with your business. But they don’t have to update their review if things change — like if you give them a refund. Pressuring a reviewer or offering them an incentive to change or delete their review is not acceptable.
  • Win-Win For ALL:
    We’re all for freedom of expression, but some content just won’t be acceptable . We can delete a company or organization or individual freelance coach or volunteer coach reply that breaches these guidelines. And if you misuse our platform we can block access to or suspend features in your business account, place a consumer alert on your profile, and potentially even terminate agreements you have with us.
  • The final say
    These guidelines are just that: guiding principles. Please understand that we have the final say with regard to the interpretation and application of these guidelines, and we can update them at any time.