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  • Guidelines for Reviewers

Guidelines for Reviewers

Juniors Coach Club is committed to assisting parents in making informed decisions for their children. Through our reliable platform, we empower you to assist other parents in doing the same. We kindly request that you adhere to our guidelines, and in return, we guarantee a positive and encouraging experience. We have simplified our guidelines into just a few sections to make them easily understandable for you.

  1. If you have genuinely experienced the service recently, you are welcome to write a review.
  2. Reviews should not be submitted if you have received an incentive from the company, organization, individual freelance coach or volunteer coach, as this can affect the credibility of the review. Incentives can include discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, and referral bonuses. If you have received an incentive, you can report it to us.
  3. Reviews provide an opportunity for you to share your experiences with others and offer feedback to companies.
  4. We value all reviews, regardless of the size of the experience. We encourage you to write about your experience that occurred within the past 12 months, as this provides other parents with current information on how the company, organization, individual freelance coach or volunteer coach is currently operating, and allows them to receive valuable up-to-date feedback.
  • Ensure that your review is genuine and unbiased Do not write a review that is fabricated or biased. Allow others to share their own experiences and avoid reviewing a company if you have a close relationship with it, work for it, or compete with it. It is also not acceptable to receive an incentive to write, change or delete a review.
  • Retain evidence of your experience Keep any documentation that demonstrates you had an experience with a company or organization or individual freelance coach or volunteer coach. However, keep in mind about UAE legal regulations and privacy guidelines regarding recording such instances.
  • Practice kindness We expect our users to be respectful contributors to our platform. Avoid posting anything that is harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory, or obscene. Do not lie, bully, blackmail, make threats, or engage in any illegal activity. Remember that your comments may significantly affect others.
  • Juniors Coach Club remains neutral: As a platform, we need to balance our responsibilities to consumers and businesses. We allow both positive and negative reviews, but we will remove reviews that significantly harm someone’s reputation or cause serious financial damage. We don’t involve ourselves in disputes between reviewers and businesses, and we are not a regulatory authority or court of law. The best reviews provide details and allow readers to form their own conclusions.
  • Avoid promotion: Keep your reviews focused on your experiences, and don’t include promotional material, marketing, or links. Our platform is not for selling, forming action groups, or meeting other people.
  • Keep it private: Your reviews are public, so avoid sharing sensitive or personal information. This includes information that could identify or contact you or someone else, like names, phone numbers, or addresses. We take privacy and safety seriously.
  • Your user account: You need a valid user account to post a review. Your username, profile description, and picture should be accurate and respectful. You can edit your details at any time, but impersonation, harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory or obscene content will not be tolerated. Your user account must be linked to a permanent email address that we can use to contact you if needed.
  • Edit or delete your review: You own your review, so you can edit or delete it at any time. You’re encouraged to update an existing review with more information, but don’t bombard a business with multiple reviews.
  • Flag reviews: You can flag reviews if you believe they breach our guidelines. We’ll investigate flagged reviews and take action if needed.
  • Final say: These guidelines are subject to our interpretation and may be updated at any time. If you want more information about our policies, you can contact us at info@juniorscoachclub.com.